0 Sweat And Its Importance

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The average person has over two and one half million sweat glands distributed all over the body in the layer of the skin called the dermis. There are two types of sweat glands, the Eccrine which is the most common especially on the palms, soles of the feet, and forehead and the Apocrine which are found in the armpits and genital areas. Eccrine sweat glands are smaller and are active from birth producing sweat that does not contain proteins or fatty acids while Apocrine sweat glands become active at puberty and are larger.

Our bodies are sweating all the time which goes unnoticed. This is our body's way of dispersing body heat that comes from our metabolism and working muscles. Sweat can occur in response to a stressful situation, heat, or exercise. During low sweat production the Eccrine sweat glands release smaller amounts of sweat that actually get reabsorbed before reaching the surface of the skin. During high sweat production such as intense exercise, there is not enough time for the sweat to be reabsorbed and much of it reaches the surface of the body.

The sweat in the Apocrine glands is made the same way as that of the Eccrine glands but the composition is different. It contains proteins and fatty acids which makes it thicker and sometimes yellowish. Contrary to popular belief sweat is not odorous, it is a metabolic process between bacteria and proteins and fatty acids.

The body has the ability to adjust sweat production dependent upon climate. If your body is not acclimated to a hot climate it will only produce one liter per hour but incredibly if you move to a hot climate your body will adapt and be capable of producing as much as three liters per hours within a few weeks!

One of the major factors influencing how much we sweat is the humidity in the air around us. Because humid air is already saturated with moisture sweating does not evaporate from your body and therefore doesn't cool your body as well. When sweat does evaporate it leaves salts behind which is why your skin tastes salty when sweating.
Losing too much sweat without replacing the fluids can result in mineral imbalances that can lead to circulatory and vascular problems, kidney failure, and heat stroke so it is crucial to remain properly hydrated when sweating profusely
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0 Do You Wants To Have Abs

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In fact, there is nothing special in order to have the abs. The only way is to train it and do a lot of workout. For your abs workout, you should have high-intensity of muscular overload. However, you have to be very careful when you are training your abdominal muscles. You should never overdo it otherwise it will only hurt you. On the other hand, there will be no effect if it is under-trained.

Some people will do some sit-ups in order to train the abdominal muscles. In fact, it is really a very good way to train the muscles. However, this should only be the first step of your training. What you need to understand is that your muscle will develop if you try to overload it. As a result, performing 20 sit-ups a day will not help to develop your "six-pack" abs because you are not trying to overload your muscles.

As a result, you have to increase your intensity of the training if you want to develop the abs. You will have to make the period of performing the workouts longer everyday. Only by doing that you will be able to develop the abs. Generally speaking, exercises such as weighted crunches and weighted sit-ups are very good for developing your "six-pack" abs.

For weighted crunches, one of the best ways to do it is to lie on the floor with your head close to the low pulley weight stack. You should use the rope handle attachment. And at the same time you try to grasp the ends and pull the cable until it is tight. Remember, your hands should be resting at the side of your head near your ears. Then you should try to contract your ab muscles in a crunch that lifts your shoulders off the floor. This will draw the weight stack up an inch or two. Remember, the idea is to overload your muscles. As a result, you should choose a weight that is so heavy that you can only do 8 to 12 reps.

Of course you may even try to increase the duration and weight everyday. After some time your abs will be developed.
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0 Mini Workout Benefits

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Regular exercise makes healthier people. It creates health benefits like longevity, disease prevention, weight management, and disease control. Additionally, it helps to build flexibility and muscle tone. It increases circulation that can help increase artery size, thereby decreasing the chance of clogged arteries. At the most basic level, If you want your full potential, try a little fitness to your routine.

1. The Importance Of Fitness
Fitness helps us appear, feel, and act to our full potential. It is essentially the capability to complete everyday responsibilities energetically and actively, with energy remaining at the end of the day for appreciation of liberty activities. Fitness means being able to handle situations where the average individual might fail. It is the core of excellent health. Physical fitness affects the entire body. It also involves emotional well being. If your body feels good, your mind does too. In todays busy society, though, many people dont have time for exercise. They simply dont have the time to become physically fit. There are, though, several mini-workouts that can move you toward your physical fitness goal.
2. Mini Workout Number One

The first mini-workout takes about ten minutes. For the first five minutes, warm up by walking at a quick pace. Notice your posture and try to keep it as straight and tall as possible. Spend the next three minutes at a very fast walk or a slow jog. Finish the workout off by spending the last two minutes at a quick walking pace, allowing your heart rate to settle into its normal pattern. Walking or light jogging for any length of time is an excellent exercise choice for most people for a number of reasons. One reason it is so popular is that it requires little in the way of preparation.

3. Walking Shoes
A sturdy pair of walking shoes will take you a long way to meeting your exercise goals. Additionally, there is a very low risk of injury associated with walking. It is relatively harmless on the joints as one foot is always on the ground. Therefore, when the other foot strikes the ground, it carries little more than a persons total body weight with it. Another benefit to walking is that it can be done anywhere. You can walk in the comfort of a shopping mall, a local high school track, or a nature trail. Wherever you decide to walk, though, be sure you have your personal safety in mind. Walking can reduce stress by refreshing your brain and increasing your energy level. If you decide to walk, try to walk at a pace you can maintain for the entirety of the walk. Slow down if you feel any type of pain or any shortness of breath.
4. Mini Workout Number Two

This one takes approximately fifteen minutes. Spend the first two minutes climbing a few flights of stairs or doing some jumping jacks. Then spend eight minutes in power walk mode. Spend the next three minutes exactly as you did the first two minutes, and polish the workout off with two final minutes of brisk walking.

5. Mini Workout Number Three

Try this one in about twenty minutes. Spend the first two minutes stretching from side to side, your arms reaching for your feet. Spend the next minute doing squats with an imaginary overhead press. For the next three minutes, you should jog in place. Add an extra minute and spend some time doing lunges. The next minute should be spent with your feet locked together, jumping from side to side. Spend minute eight doing as many push-ups as you can in one minute. Minute nine should be spent in a push-up position bring each knee as far toward your hands as you can alternately. In the last eleven minutes, repeat the first ten minutes with the last minute doing a cool down to slow the heart rate back to normal.
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4 Easy Weight Loss Diets & Tips

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Weight loss is a hot topic among people today, especially considering the fact that more than half of us are overweight. As we get older we often get busier, and before we know it, find ourselves in the prime of our lives and packing a few extra pounds. With so little extra time in our lives it is impractical to join the latest diet fad or commit to sweating in the gym for hours at a time. Are we all destined to grow outward with each passing year, or is there a simple way for us to reclaim our healthy figures?

If you struggle with your own battle of the bulge read on for five sure-fire ways to drop a few of those unwanted pounds, and more importantly learn how you can prevent packing them in the first place!

TIP #1: Burn it in the AM
What is the first thing you do when you wake each morning? Hit the snooze button for an extra ten minutes of sleep? What if I told you that taking those ten minutes to strap on your sneakers and walk briskly around the block would result in weight loss? It has been proven that aerobic activity done on an empty stomach forces your body to recruit energy from storage. This energy is stored in the form of fat on various parts of your body. Starting tomorrow take ten minutes out of your morning to walk briskly around the block before breakfast. Do not sprint or try to walk as quickly as possible, simply walk at a pace that you could comfortably hold a conversation. This seemly small activity, when done consistently, will produce surprising weight loss results!

TIP #2 Forget Your Late Night Snack
I know I am not the only one who enjoys eating a snack after dinner! Although comfort food seems to taste better right before bed, it is also more prone to stick with us when eaten late at night. It has been proven that not eating three hours before bed reduces fat storage throughout the night.

If you go to bed at 10pm, finish eating for the day no later than 7pm. Once you have made this a habit you will be ecstatic over the long term weight loss!

TIP #3 Kiss that Frappuccino Goodbye
What tastes better than a frothy, venti frappuccino smothered in whip cream and chocolate syrup? While blended coffee beverages have rapidly gained popularity with the masses, their caloric tallies have been all but ignored. Whether you are an avid Starbucker, or only wander in for an occasional treat, it is important to know the truth about what you are drinking.

The average Venti sized frappuccino weighs in at 530 calories. This staggering number equals 2.5 bagels, or one third of the recommended daily calories for an average woman. Not only is this an extreme amount of calories to be consumed in a beverage but the calories come purely from sugar, which is easily stored as fat. Next time you are in line at the coffee shop and find yourself eyeing a sugary beverage, redirect your attention to the tea selection, or stick with an old fashion cup of coffee.

TIP #4 Fuel Your Fire
Have you ever tended a campfire? You probably remember continuously adding sticks and branches to keep the fire from running out of fuel. Your body’s metabolism is similar in its need for constant fuel. Eating a small meal every three hours is a great way to keep your metabolism high all day long. When your metabolism is high you burn more calories throughout the day and are less likely to store fat. Rather than eating 2 or 3 large meals a day, and allowing your ‘fire’ to go out, giving way to hunger pains, try eating a small meal every three hours and be amazed at your weight loss results.

TIP #5 Curb Your Carbs
I’m sure sometime in the past year you have found yourself subjected to the testimony of a converted ‘low-carb’ enthusiast. While these people may look great it is definitely not the right diet for everyone. Extreme fatigue, crankiness and downright impracticality are what make this diet a tough cookie to swallow. Cutting one or two carb-filled items out of your daily diet can make a huge difference in meeting weight loss goals.

While I wouldn’t recommend throwing out your bread basket entirely, consciously cutting carb-filled items out of your daily food intake is a great idea. If you normally have a sandwich for lunch make it open-faced, thus cutting out half of the bread. If you enjoy eating pasta for dinner reduce your pasta portion and add extra vegetables. These minor changes to your daily diet will prove themselves priceless when you step onto the scale!
It is you against the bulge, and now that you are armed with these 5 tips for easy weight loss, I am confident that you are going to win! Keep in mind that consistency is the key. The more effort that you put into implementing these 5 tips into your daily lifestyle, the quicker the unwanted pounds will disappear!
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0 A Simple Guide to Fight Stress

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Everyone has suffered from stress at least once. If you remember your palms becoming sweaty before an interview, experiencing headaches when thinking of your last work problem, or having stomach disorders because your test exams are approaching, these can be categorized as instances of stress related to physical malfunctions that have caused you to loose sleep and reduced your performance levels.

Regardless of the age group one belongs, stress is considered today to have an extremely dramatic impact on the human immune system. That is because stressful situations that have and extensive duration affect the hormones of the human body, which in turn direct affect the human immune system. Cases of chronic constipation, migraines, acne breakouts, upper respiration infections, colds, ulcers, and even more serious health problems like diabetes, heart diseases, and certain types of cancers, can be linked, according to scientists, to prolonged periods of stress.

But do not get despaired. Although stress cannot be eliminated, social scientists, psychologists, and doctors, agree that stress can be controlled and people that are able to give themselves another chance can live healthier lives.


Known for its tension relieving outcomes, a steady exercise problem can help people reduce their stress levels. A calm evening walk or a more dynamic type of exercise, like an aerobic class, can help a stressed individual get rid of the tension and the anxiety that are caused by stress.


Give your body and mind the opportunity to rejuvenate naturally during sleep. Although people under stress experience difficulties in sleeping the appropriate hours needed, experts support that sticking with a steady sleeping plan and going to bed every night around the same time, avoiding heavy food or caffeine drinks, can help a person fall asleep and lower his stress levels.


Learn how to breathe properly and practice it frequently. Deep breathing exercises can help the brain and body reconsider the parameters of a stressful situation and readjust to the experience. Inhale air from the nose and exhale it from the mouth after holding it for five seconds. In the meantime clear your mind and concentrate on a pleasant thought.


Try to avoid consuming caffeine substances and never take it out on yourself. Caffeine can prolong the stress period and since it is a stimulator you can experience problems in sleeping or breathing. Moreover, by blaming yourself and your luck you are not concentrating on solving an issue but rather on prolonging the distress and the anxiety you feel.

Don't panic:

Although it is common to let your feelings go wild when upset, try to focus on what you feel and act as if that was your main problem so as to solve it. Listening to music, breathing properly, writing a journal, exercising, going out, or doing whatever you think is appropriate can put you in a better mood.


People surrounding you are not indifferent to your problems. Stop treating them as if they were. Speak about what worries you and ask for their help. Even the fact that someone will listen and offer another perspective can be enough for you to see another ankle of the issue and work towards its solution.
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0 Top 7 Tips To Strengthen Your Back Support Muscles

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Not surprisingly, people with strong trunk muscles and well conditioned leg and hip muscles are less likely to develop back pain and injuries than people with weak or poorly conditioned muscles. Fortunately, your muscles will become stronger if you follow a regular exercise program that challenges your muscles to do slightly more than usual. If you are not already doing strengthening exercises, start with the exercises described here that you can consider to adopt, which focus on the spinal support muscles of the abdomen and back.


Lie fat on your back, bend your knees, and keep your feet flat on the floor. Find the neutral position by flattening your lower back against the floor, then arching it up toward the ceiling and finding the point halfway between. Place your fingers at your sides on the bony area of your pelvis just below your waist. Now tighten your stomach muscles as if you were about to get punched. Lift one foot a couple of inches off the ground while keeping your stomach tight and keeping your back in the neutral position. Then put your foot down and lift the other foot. Keep your hands on your pelvis to make sure that you are tilting your pelvis as you lift your feet. Alternate the feet for 20 repetitions while keeping your pelvis stable. As this gets easier, you can increase the difficulty by lifting your arms as well as legs off the floor.


Lie flat on your back, bend your knees, and keep your feet flat on the floor. Find the neutral position as illustrated above. After which, lift your hips off the ground, maintaining a neutral position in the lower back and keeping the spinal straight and your weight on your upper back. Life your hips up until you begin to find it difficult to maintain the neutral position. Keep your arms at your side, palms down on the floor to provide stability so your hips do not tilt side to side. Lower to the floor and lift up 20 times. To increase the difficulty of this exercise, do alternate arm and leg lifts while bridging. You can eventually add cuff weights to your ankles.

3.Partial Sit-ups

Lie flat on your back, bend your knees, and keep your feet flat on the floor. Find the neutral position by following the above technique. You can roll up a towel and put it under the small of your back to help you maintain the neutral position. Stretch out your arms and place the palms of your hands on the top of your thighs. Curl up your torso until your fingers touch the top of your knees. Hold this position for a moment, then curl back down. Keep the lower back on the floor the entire time the upper back moves. Now follow the same procedure by stretching both arms straight toward the left knee, then both arms toward the right knee. Repeat 10 times in each direction.

4.Alternate Arm And Leg Lifts

Lie on your stomach and find the neutral position. You can put a folded towel under your stomach to help maintain your alignment. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift a straight left arm and right leg a few inches off the floor. Make sure that your back does not arch. Raise your arms and legs only as high as you are able to while maintaining the neutral position. Repeat with the opposite arm and leg. Do 20 repetitions.

5.Quadruped Arm And Leg Lifts

Get on your hands and knees. Arch your back up toward the ceiling. Let it sag down so that it dips toward the floor, and then come back up halfway. This is your neutral position. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Raise your straight left arm and right leg while maintaining your spine in the neutral position. Hold this position for a moment and then put your arm and leg down. Repeat with the opposite arm and leg. Do 10 to 20 repetitions.

6.Functional Squats

Stand upright and place your feet shoulder width apart. Find your neutral position and squat down while maintaining it. Your buttocks will move backward, your chest will move forward, and your center of gravity will drop straight down. Your weight should be balanced in the middle of your feet, not on the balls or heels. To avoid knee pain, do not bend your knees more than 90 degrees. Do 10 to 20 repetitions.

7.Leg Lowering

Lie on your back and bend your knees while keeping your feet flat on the floor. Use your abdominal muscles to keep your back in the neutral position, and slowly extend one leg at a time. Then slowly lower that led to the floor while keeping your abdominal muscles tight. Keep the other leg bent, and make sure that your back does not arch. Do 10 to 20 repetitions.
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0 How To Fit Exercise Into Your Busy Schedule

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Did I hear you say fitting exercise into your busy schedule? That's as absurd as saying that there are eight days in a week right?!

First, you've never exercised before or engaged regularly in a sport; second, you've never been into the fitness crowd and have had meager time for such pursuits, and third, you're far too busy to even think of exercise.

In other words, YOU'RE JUST NOT INTO IT.

Of course your friends talk about it and rave about the latest fitness craze, but you've seen it too often: some of them are on the "on-again-off-again" treadmill / stair master mania, and you wonder why they haven't shred the fat that they're desperately still trying to hide.

Seeing what your friends go through and not seeing any results, you cling to the notion that your total lack of interest is justified.

You're not the least bit inclined to engage in these circus-like contortions or do those mindless freestyle strokes in the water. That would only encroach into your already busy schedule of juggling family, home and career. These three combined - husband/children/work are your exercise.

Yup, we've got a problem.

That mindset is like a seething volcano that's about to erupt. If you stubbornly cling to the notion that the "fat to trim" concept is merely a myth and a figment of the imagination of a handful of oddballs, your health could be going into "eruption mode" soon, like a restless volcano.

Have you looked at your body lately? Have you taken stock of your overall physical well-being?

Before tackling the idea of fitting exercise into your busy schedule, it might be better if we start with the concepts of self-assessment and then familiarize ourselves with the disease-prevention aspect of exercise.

Once you've accepted the fact that your body needs overhauling, and that exercise is good for your health and business - then we can talk about some of the ways that you can include exercise into your roller-coaster existence.

This article is part of several articles that I will be posting and submitting over the next several days is your KEY to fitting exercise into your life. And rest assured, this article along with the rest that I will be submitting, already assumes that you're a busy person with a life to lead; and that's why the tips that I present to you are specifically designed to fit in with your busy lifestyle!

To keep things organized and simple, the articles will be broken down into five easy sections:

Section 1: Assessing Physical Damage And Accepting the Importance of Exercise

Section 2: No Matter How Busy you Are, there are Ways you can Exercise

Section 3: Busy Traveler? You can Fit Exercise into your Trips

Section 4: Exercise Aids To Go

Section 5: Information / Resources for the Hurried and Harried

Read them in order, or if you wish, focus on the section that is most relevant to you right now. Regardless of how you choose to read these articles, you can be confident of one thing: once you apply the advice within these pages, your busy life will include something new and important: exercise!
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0 Top 10 Things To avoid Snoring

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The British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association has provided tips to cure snoring problems.

It recommends working out whether snoring comes from the nose or throat, reports the Daily Express.

If you can make a snoring noise with your mouth open and closed, try this: 

stick your tongue out as far as it will go and grip it between your teeth.
Try to make a snoring noise. If it is reduced, you are probably a "tongue-base snorer", meaning your tongue is vibrating and causing the problem. 
If you are a "nose snorer" you snore with a closed mouth, it says.
The Association lists their solutions as follows:
1. Sleep on your side

The theory is that when we lie on our backs the tongue and muscles in the throat collapse, constricting the airway and causing snoring.

2. Higher pillows

This aims to keep the airways open by supporting the neck so the throat is less constricted. It works fairly well until you fall asleep and slump down in the bed.
3. Breathe Right Nasal Strips

These are supposed to open your nostrils from the outside and they certainly do seem to do this. They can also provide temporary relief from nasal congestion and stuffiness caused by colds and allergies.

4. Snoreeze Oral Strips

These dissolving mint-flavoured strips target the main cause of snoring and are ideal if you tend to snore more when lying on your back. They contain a time-release formula, which coats the back of the throat throughout the night and reduces the vibrations of the soft tissues, helping to stop snoring.

5. Snoreeze Throat Spray

This lubricates and tones the soft tissues at the back of the throat that vibrate and make you snore.

7. Nozovent
This is a piece of flexible plastic which you push into your nostrils to make them wider and allow easier breathing. It looks like something from the Spanish Inquisition but users report good results.

8. SomnoGuard
This is a bit like the gumshield worn by a rugby player, but it is reported to produce good results. The idea is to bring your lower jaw and tongue forward, making more space for breathing. The drawback is that it takes sometime to get used to and is costly.

9. Rhynil Herbal Spray
The British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association says its herbal nasal spray shrinks the lining of the nostril, creating more space to breathe. It also tightens the tissue of the roof of the mouth, making it less likely to vibrate. It smells pleasant and a friend who tried it said it reduced snoring significantly.

10. Abstinence

You should cut down on cigarettes or, better still, give up completely. Also, try to have your last alcoholic drink at least four hours before you go to bed.

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0 Beauty Guide To Cleansing, Toning And Moisturizing

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A good cleansing routine is needed to remove makeup and dirt. Not removing makeup up and dirt on a daily basis can block your pores which can lead to an outbreak in spots. Cleansing should be done twice a day. If you cleanse too frequently though, you can strip the skin of its natural oils, which will make those with dry skin have even drier skin. It will also make those with oily skin have even oilier skin, as the glands will become more active to replace it. Therefore it is best not to cleanse more than twice a day.

Before you start to cleanse, you should wash your hands thoroughly to remove any dirt or grease that might have built up.

Eye makeup (such as mascara and eye shadow) can be removed using cotton balls or pads to apply eye cleansing lotion. With your eyes firmly closed, gently wipe across your eyes until all your eye makeup has been removed.

Makeup can be removed as follows. Generously apply cleansing cream to your nose, chin, cheeks, forehead and around the top of your neck, then massage the cream into the skin. You should particularly concentrate on the corners of the mouth, the creases near the nose, the chin (which is especially prone to blackheads), and around the neck. After you have massaged the cream in thoroughly, take a moist cotton pad, and start removing the cream from your face. Work from the sides of your face inwards to avoid rubbing cream into your hair.


Toning is the process of removing dead skin cells from your face, as well as removing any dirt, makeup or cleanser that may remain after cleansing. By toning, you will help keep your skin clear and firm, as toning leaves you with a layer of new healthy skin cells on top.

With cotton pads, apply toner around your nose and chin. Then apply toner across your cheeks and across your forehead.


When skin is exposed to the elements, it can lose its natural moisture, and you can be left with dry skin. The skin being depleted of it natural moisture can be one of the main cause of wrinkles. Moisturising replenishes the skins natural moisture which help can prevent dry skin and the formation of wrinkles. Moisturising can also act as a barrier to the elements. Many moisturisers now have some sun block in them, and can be identified as such by their SPF value, which should be stated on the packaging. Unless you have very dry skin, always use a light moisturiser.

Using your finger tips, apply the moisturiser lightly to your face. You should start by rubbing the cream into your forehead, and working outwards from the centre. Gently apply the cream around the eyes, making sure you don't get it too close to them. Massage the cream into your cheeks and around your jaw line, around your chin, then your mouth and nose, and then around your throat and your neck. Don't apply too much moisturiser, as this can prevent your skin from breathing.
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0 Diagnosis and Treatment Of Wrinkles

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Wrinkles are creases in the skin. Wrinkles are the thin, creased, and sagging skin that is especially noticeable on the face, neck, and hands. Wrinkles develop as we get older because natural substances such as collagen , elastin and hyaluronic acid (which gives skin volume), which provide the skin with structure and volume decrease with age. Skin wrinkles typically appear as a result of aging processes such as glycation or, temporarily, as the result of prolonged (more than a few minutes) immersion in water. Wrinkles are a by-product of the aging process. With age, skin cells divide more slowly, and the inner layer, called the dermis, begins to thin. Sun damage is one of the most important causes of skin ageing and skin disorders such as skin cancers.

Overall, exposure to ultraviolet radiation from sunlight accounts for about 90% of the symptoms of premature skin ageing, and most of these effects occur by age 20. Smoke causes a marked reduction in the production of new collagen. A lack of new collagen results in the development of wrinkles. Rapid weight loss can also cause wrinkles by reducing the volume of fat cells that cushion the face. This can cause the skin to sag. There are numerous over-the-counter treatment options for wrinkles, including various creams and lotions. Retinol is a vitamin A compound and is the first antioxidant to be widely used in nonprescription wrinkle creams. Antioxidants are substances that neutralize free radicals - unstable oxygen molecules that break down skin cells and cause wrinkles.

Lasers may also be used to minimize wrinkles. Avoid spending too much time in the direct sun. Botulinum toxin (Botox) may be used to correct some of the wrinkles associated with overactive facial muscles. Alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids and poly hydroxy acids are all synthetic versions of acids derived from sugar-containing fruits. These acids are exfoliants - substances that remove the upper layer of old, dead skin and provoke the growth of smooth, evenly pigmented new skin. Never use a sunlamp or tanning bed or lie in the sun to get a tan. Wear a sunscreen on your face and hands every day. Some patients may choose plastic surgery for age-related wrinkles. Don't go to the tanning salon.

Wrinkles Treatment and Prevention Tips

1. Don't smoke.

2. Avoid alcohol and pollution areas.

3. Protect your skin from the sun.

4. Choose products with built-in sunscreen.

5. Wear a sunscreen on your face and hands every day.

6. Never use a sunlamp or tanning bed or lie in the sun to get a tan.

7. Moisturizers can't prevent wrinkles, they can temporarily mask tiny lines and creases.

8. Retinol is a vitamin A compound antioxidant to be widely used in nonprescription wrinkle creams.
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0 Facial Exercise For You

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Exercising our body is done either by going to the gym or by doing some household chores. In that case our face also needs to be taken care off. By the amount of pollutants that affect our face we are bound to have some or the other problems.

One of the apprehensions about life, for many is the idea of being old. As times flies, slowly and steadily it starts reflecting on your face in the form of wrinkles, lines, double chin, sagging of the muscles and many other things.

To avoid such problems relating to wrinkles and sagging we can do facial exercise. These would help you ward off all possibilities of wrinkles. It will help you give that extra glow which has disappeared from your face for a very long time.

There are face-lifting tools in the market which you can use, depending upon how useful they prove to be. Then there are the common facial exercises which you can do it at home at your own free will.

Facial exercises for you

If you want to sharpen your jaw line you can slap your chin with the back of your hand quickly and very lightly for at least 30 times.

Stroking your face with upward movement can relax your mind and body.

To reduce the small lines around your mouth you can curl your lips into your mouth and then try to bowl air through your mouth without opening your mouth. This would help to stretch your muscles around the mouth. While doing this count till 5 and then relax, repeat this at least 10 times for better results.

But there has been a long running debate about facial exercise, whether they are really good or just make things worse. This can be found only when you talk to other people or consult your doctor about the same.
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0 Makeup Tips For Magical Eye

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the windows of the soul. Eyes give your face energy and individuality and do not have to be a certain size or shape to be considered pretty
all eyes have their own unique beauty.
When makeup is applied to look natural it will bring out the eye’s true color and enhance the eye’s beauty.
When you feel good about your makeup you will be more confident and will have one less thing to worry about.
A subtle application of eyeliner, shadows and mascara work together to create magic and make your eyes look their best.

Eye Shadow

Eye shadow is meant to highlight and define the eyes. Eye shadow is used to create depth to bring out the beauty of the eyes. A dark color used on the lid will make the eye appear smaller, while a lighter color will make it appear larger. That is what eye shadow is about - creating illusions. These are the basic techniques for the following eye shapes:

Small eyes: Don’t use too much shadow or liner – it will make you eyes look smaller. Apply a light color on eyelid, use a darker color in the crease and use a highlighter under the brow.

Large eyes: Wear darker shadow on the lid and extend it to the crease. Use a flat color under the brow to highlight.

Deep-set eyes: Use light colors on the eyelid and under the brow. Use a medium color in the crease. Emphasize the outer corners with shadow.

Wide-set eyes: Use darker colors on the inner corners of the eye.

Hooded eyes: Apply light colors on the lid. Use darker colors from the center of the eyelid to the outer corners and blend.

Round eyes: Make round eyes longer by using color all around and extending toward the outer corners.

Oriental eyes: Apply highlighter under the brow. Use light shadow on the inner half of the lid and a darker color on the outer half.

Light colors cause the eyes to open, dark colors will cause the eyes to recede
If you have very light skin avoid dark shades
Be careful with shimmer – they will bring attention to imperfections and wrinkles.
The eye area is the first to show age don’t tug on the skin.


Eyeliners are meant to define the eyes so they should do just that; not be the focal point of your makeup. Eyeliners come in various colors and forms liquid, pencil etc. Keep the eyeliner natural. Pencils are available in many colors (for the best look stick to black or brown ) and can be sharpened for a fine line. For a smudged effect use a sponge tip shadow applicator or an eye shadow brush. When your pencils are too soft refrigerate them. When they are too hard soften them by holding them between your fingers.

To line the eye, start on the lower lid, just beneath the lashes. When you are finished always smudge the line with your sponge. Stay as close to the lash line as possible. On the upper lid, draw a line form the inner corner to the outer corner, thickening the line toward the outer corner. After the age of 40 keep the line in between the lashes.

Mascara and the creation of beautiful lashes

Mascara frames your eyes and can make your face come alive. Mascara softly accentuates the eye while thickening and darkening the lashes; it is the finishing touch for eyes. There are several different types to choose from, thickening, and waterproof to smudge proof. Waterproof will need a special remover and smudge proof will wash off easily. It is not a good idea to wear waterproof mascara for extended periods of time since it has a tendency to dry the lashes.

Select a shade of mascara that complements your coloring. Dark shades on pale eyes with brown lashes will darken them and will look harsh. Stay away from blues and other colors since they will ruin your look.

Lashes that are hard to curl may need the help of an eyelash curler. Curl your lashes before you apply mascara – hold for ten to twenty seconds.

To apply mascara look straight into your mirror with your chin slightly lifted so you can see your lashes. Insert the wand only once and twist, don’t pump. Pumping can break the brush bristles and distribute the mascara unevenly and will dry out the mascara faster. Start by rolling the wand from root to tip in an upward motion. Reinsert the brush and apply again. If your eyelashes are thick and long they may clunk together. If this happens let them dry and then separate them with the corner of an eyebrow brush.
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0 How To Get Great Looking Skin

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  • Genes
  • Inner nutrition - what we eat and drink
  • Exercise
  • General health and well-being
  • Emotional health, and
  • Outer nutrition - how we take care of our skin
While we can't alter our genes, we can improve our skin by making the necessary adjustments in the areas we can influence. Read on to discover the basic components of a healthy outer nutritional plan for your skin.
If you seriously want great skin the very first thing to do and wear a hat and good quality sunscreen when out in the sunshine. Having said that, let's move on to understand the next three basic foundations to great skin.
If you want your skin to look and feel great, careful cleansing is very important. This should be done first thing in the morning and last thing at night to remove pore-clogging dirt. Don't cleanse enough and you could find yourself prone to spots. Cleanse to often and you could be stripping away essential oils and be susceptible to dry skin or even eczema. Understanding your skin type (normal, dry or oily) and using a cleanser to match is the best foundation for great looking skin. Remember to rinse your face with warm water after using a cleanser, as any residue will continue to work on the skin if not completely removed.
Our grandmother's used soap and water…isn't that good enough? Soap is not very good at removing makeup because it does not contain enough oils to dissolve the staying power that most cosmetics have today. Remember the 'tight' feeling after your have washed your fact with soap? Soap can be very drying on your skin and may wash away essential oils. Another reason not to use soap is that it is not matched to the natural balance of our skin. Soap is generally alkaline, whilst skin is naturally acidic.
The second step to great outer nutrition for your skin is to tone. Toners are designed to remove any last traces of cleanser, while also helping to tighten and refine pores and prevent the build-up of dead skin cells. After toning your skin should fee and look revitalised and refreshed, and ready to be moisturised. Again you will need to apply a toner that matches your skin type.
The third foundation step is to apply moisturiser to help restore the moisture loss caused by the drying effects of sunlight, central heating, wind, cold and pollution. A good daytime moisturiser would contain a sunscreen and will be easily absorbed into the skin. At night you should use a richer, more nourishing cream, as this is when your skin more readily absorbs moisture.
Despite the plethora of products on the market and the myriad of additives…. the most important ingredient of any moisturiser is water! If water is just splashed on the skin it will not say there. Moisturisers are basically oil and water emulsions which contain a humectant (a substance added to another to make it moist), which attracts water and helps 'fix' it in the upper layers of the skin.
Moisture that is lost firm the skin needs to be replaced quickly so that the surface of the skin is kept both soft and smooth. The living cells in the layers need water so that they will not shrivel up and die. A moisturiser can protect the skin by providing a varier between the skin and the external environment. It also prevents the loss of moisture from the deeper layers of the skin.
Should people who have oily skin use a moisturiser? Moisturisers are particularly recommended for people with dry skin but everyone can benefit from using a moisturiser. You simply need to ensure that you choose the correct moisturiser for your skin type. People with oily skin should choose a moisturiser that hydrates their skin whilst helping absorb any excess oil.

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0 How To Deal With Dry Skin

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Every day 4-8 oz. of water evaporates through the skin, and we don't even notice how it happens. Replenishing water by drinking more fluids is helpful, but does not guarantee smooth and resilient skin. Moisture balance is regulated by chemical reactions in tissues, and is not directly related to the amount of water you drink.
If we could apply water topically, it would not help much either. Skin does feel soft and moisturized right after a bath: it happens because the horny layer (the outermost skin layer), which is formed by dead skin cells, absorbs water. During a bath up to 2 oz. of water can be absorbed by the skin. But this water is not allowed any deeper than the surface cells. Later, within 10 minutes, all this water evaporates, leaving skin dry again.
Human skin has its own mechanism to prevent moisture loss. Our skin cells work hard to create a protective layer. This layer consists of oils, aminoacids, sugar compounds and other elements, either water or oil soluble. All together they bind with water and don't let it evaporate. Water, that is not allowed to leave skin surface, is absorbed by the horny layer cells. The skin becomes softer, smoother and more flexible.
Hot or cold air, low humidity, frequent contacts with water or cleansing solutions ruin the protective layer, and skin loses its natural ability to hold moisture. When water level in the skin drops by 10%, the skin becomes dry, itchy and flaky.
As we age, skin's protection mechanism slows down and skin becomes dry. In some people dry skin is inherited genetically.
Even though the outermost skin layer is made of dead cells, we have to take care of it. The primary function of the horny layer is protection of deeper skin layers, where new cells are born. Regular use of hydrating creams helps to prevent water loss, restore moisture balance and elasticity of the outer skin layer and help it do its job.
Oils, mucopolysaccharides, and fatty acids are widely used in cosmetics to prevent water loss. The most effective cosmetic ingredients for this purpose are liposomes, ceramides and sphingolipids.
Liposomes are microscopic spheres that can be used to encapsulate water, vitamins or other beneficial ingredients. Because these elements are similar in structure to cell membrane, they are easily utilized by the skin. They can penetrate skin surface, bind with it and release the substances they carry.
Ceramides and Sphingolipids are the elements that hold skin cells together so that the environment can not get in and the moisture can not get out. Lipids are lost with age, and the moisture barrier is weakened. Research shows that applying ceramides topically has the effect of generating ceramide production in the skin, thereby increasing the lipid content and reinforcing the protective barrier.
Look for creams with the above ingredients to keep your skin in its best condition and defy aging.

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0 Walk Your Way To Health

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Which one will give you the best, most immediate results in terms of aerobic fitness, muscular fitness and flexibility?

We are all searching for answers. We all hope to find the quickest way to improve or maybe regain our health. 

But what about walking? Most of us think of walking as something you do maybe to get yourself started again on the road to fitness, but as our primary method of fitness?

Why not?

Here’s some thoughts to consider;

A brisk walk for 30-60 minutes can produce a deficit of as much as 300 to 400 calories depending on your current level of fitness.

Making that same walk just 3 or 4 times a week over the course of a year could result in a weight loss of 16 pounds. That assumes you don’t change your current diet.

Combine that walking with a reasonable diet and the numbers multiply quickly.

Not bad for one of the most underrated exercises of all.

On top of that, research shows that 10 minutes 3 times a day offers the same benefit as 30 minutes 1 time a day. Sorry, no more excuses for not having enough time!

But let’s consider some of the other benefits:

Walking impacts the three major areas of health and fitness; aerobic fitness, muscular strength and flexibility. Not many other activities hit all three at such a consistent level as walking.

When done with proper form walking represents a much lower risk of joint injury than many other forms of exercise.

It can be done almost anywhere. Want to swim? You need a pool or a lake or ocean.

Want to cycle? First you need the equipment and then you need a reasonably safe place to ride.

Still not convinced?

Let’s get personal. In November and December of 2003, while on an extended visit to Michigan, I decided to walk each day. It gave me the opportunity to get out and see the town and meet the people.

When I arrived in Michigan I weighed in at 235 pounds and had a 40 inch waist. I jumped right in the first morning with a good brisk walk. I probably walked 4 miles that first day, but that was enough.

Now mind you I walked every single day for the 60 days I was there, but when I arrived home in California I was a slim 190 pounds with a 31 inch waist.

Yes, that’s 60 days! I walked a lot more than 30 minutes, in fact usually it was more like 2 to 3 hours, but still we’re talking about 60 days not 365 days to lose that kind of weight.

And I felt fantastic to boot!

I’m not saying that everyone will get the same results that I did, but if you got even a quarter of the results in 60 days, you’d be pretty happy wouldn’t you?

Walking is definitely not a myth and I’m not sure it’s a miracle either, but it sure does rank right up there as one of the best all around exercises of all time!

Always consult a physician before beginning any exercise program.

If you would like to learn more about walking and it’s benefits, just drop us a line we’ll hook you up with some other great resources.
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0 A Walk a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

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Should you work out when you have a cold? How about if you have a fever? For many avid exercisers, especially beginners who have just managed to make walking a habit, stopping to give your body a rest can feel very threatening. You are afraid that if you stop, you may never start again. But there are certain circumstances when exercise can do more harm than good, especially when you are recovering from an illness like the common cold or the flu.

If you decide to exercise when you are stuffed up, make sure you really check with your body first. Do you feel excessive fatigue? How is your breathing? Does it feel difficult to fill your lungs as you normally would? Make sure you keep track of your pulse, both at rest and while you are working. If it seems unusually high, you might want to consider taking another day off. 

If you do decide to take up the challenge, take it slower than usual. For example, even though it may be your day for hills, modify your schedule and keep it flat. If it is a fast pace day, walk at a normal speed instead. Don’t try to beat the clock this time. Finally, make sure you drink plenty of water. Hydration is crucial, especially when fighting off a cold. The following is a summary of guidelines you should follow if you decide to walk despite the sniffles:

•Wait until you are in the latter phase of your cold.
•Take your morning pulse; if it is 10 beats higher than normal, take another day off.
•Do a modified version of what you normally would do until you feel better.
•Start out slowly; if you feel okay, pick up the pace gradually.
•Drink plenty of water and make sure you get adequate rest.
•Listen to your body. If it doesn’t feel right, then it probably is not.

A simple stuffy nose is one thing, but exercising when you have a fever or other flu symptoms can be more damaging than good. Because a fever indicates that your body is fighting an infection, your immune system is on overdrive in an attempt to suppress the attacking virus. If you go out and exercise at such a time, you are putting even more strain on an immune system already under extreme stress as it attempts to fight off the intruder. Exercising will steal some of the energy away from the task at hand (healing) and could set your body up for a prolonged and more severe attack.

If it is the flu or fever you suffer from, take time off! Wait until the illness has subsided. Be honest with yourself about how your body feels. Pushing yourself when you are not ready will only drag the healing process out longer, setting your goal further and further back. 

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